By rtufts on February 28, 2017 in General Information
Saving for a down payment and escalating home prices are two reasons that make it difficult for low income homebuyers to purchase a home. Did you know that the USDA 502-Direct loan program solves these issues and more for homebuyers? Designed for low income families purchasing homes in rural areas, this loan offers[...]
By rtufts on February 24, 2015 in Financial Tips
Tips to build the score you need for the mortgage you want. Your credit score is an important factor in buying your new home. It helps determine the type of loan you qualify for, the interest rate you pay, how much you can spend on a home, and in some cases if you[...]
By rtufts on October 16, 2014 in Financial Tips
Whether you have long term plans like getting out of debt, creating an emergency savings fund, or buying a home, getting started can be the hardest part. All 14 participants in September’s Common Cents in Uncommon Times series came in with vague long range goals but left knowing exactly where to start. How[...]
By rtufts on August 19, 2014 in Financial Tips
Everyone answers a simple question at the onset of each Home Buyer Seminar: “How much are you prepared to spend on your monthly mortgage compared to your rent?” The question is simple enough, and answers typically range from $150 less, to about the same, all the way up to whatever it takes. While[...]
By rtufts on June 17, 2014 in Financial Tips
Why do you want to purchase a home? People buy homes for many reasons: freedom, space, and stability to name a few. Buying a home takes a considerable amount of your time, energy, and money; you may even feel like you have a new part time job. There are many ups and downs,[...]